A boy has kicked his ball into an old witch's
house. He wants you to go get it for him.
Able to kill level 42 monster,
cheese , and (Gloves can be obtained in varrock clothes store, cheese in draynor)
South of Witch's house, Taverly
4 quest points and 6325 hits xp
- After talking to the boy, go to the main door and search for a key under one
of the pots next to the door.
- Use the key to unlock the door and go in. Walk upstairs to the witch's bedroom
and grab her diary. Read it.
- Go back to the main floor and then go down to the basement. Go through the
gate, open and search the wall cupboard for a magnent.
- Go into the little room between the main one and the yard. Put on your leather
gloves. Use the cheese with the mouse hole in the corner. Then quickly use your magnet with the mouse.
- Now go into the yard. ALWAYS WATCH THE WITCH ON THE MAP. You must stay behind
the hedges as she walks by. Make sure you are next to the center of the hedge.
- Keep moving along the fence until you come to the shed door. Try opening it
to find it is locked. Then keep going along the wall to the fountain. Remember to stay hidden when the witch approaches.
- Check the fountain. It should say something like "It looks scenic". Read the
diary again to learn about the fountain. Then check the fountain again. If you do not get the key after this, try to open
the door again and then read the diary again. It should definitly work after all that.
- Now creep back to the door and unlock the door to go in. Try to grab the ball
and the "Witch's Experiment" will attack you.
- If you leave the shed you will have to start the battle over. So make sure
you have food to eat during the fight and a good weapon with decent armor.
1st form: Level 19 experiment
2nd form: Level 30 spider
3rd form: Level 42 bear
and final form: Lvl 53 wolf
- After defeating the experiement (Congratulations) grab the ball and open the
door. For the last time sneak in the direction of the house, then exit and give the boy his ball back for your reward.