Investigate the death of the elven leaders
of old. To find mysterious treasures in the fall.
Some rope (one if you do
it right, but buy a few from Ned, in Draynor Village just in case, 15 coins each), 6 air runes, 6 water runes, and 6 earth
runes, a good weapon, some good armor, a stat restore potion, lots of food.
North of Baxtorian Falls, speak to Almera
1 quest point, 40 mithril seeds (allows you to grow flowers),
2 cut diamonds, 2 gold bars, 14200 experience to attack and 17200 experience to strength.
Almera's house is on top.
Hadley's house is in the bottom left corner.
The grave is the grey
circle place with a walk way to the circle.
1. Talk to Almera in her house and she will tell you her son is looking for treasure at the waterfall.
There is a raft behind the house. Get on it and it will take you down stream and the raft will crash and break in half, and
you will see the boy. Talk to him. Once you are done talking to him, look down the way to the waterfall (south Bottom View)
and you will see a rock, now you right click on it and it will say "Swim to", go down the waterfall to the end of the island
and you'll see a rock across from you, use the rope with the rock and you will go across. Now use the rope on the dead tree
and you will appear by a doorway, get in the barrel and you will end up by a fence, follow it up to a house, Climbing on the
dead tree at the top of the waterfall gives 8 damage and opening the door on the ledge without a Glarial's amulet gives 5
2. Inside the house talk to Hadley, then go north and talk to Almera and then go back to Hadley's
house. Go upstairs, get the book called "The book of baxster" and read it. Go back downstairs and speak to Hadley again. If
you want you can go by the grave east of Hadley's house.
3. Go to Gnome Village, not Gnome Stronghold. Go through the maze and get to the cave. (Use the maze
map beow.) Once you get to the cave, go down. There are two ways to go, left or right. Go to the right. Search the crates
and boxes and find the key, then go to the other side and use the key with the jail door. Go inside the jail and talk to the
gnome, get the pebble, then climb up the ladder and get out the same way you came in.
4. Put all of your armour, weapons, and your other stuff in the bank, just bring food and the pebble.
Now go to the grave east of Hadley's house. (It won't let you in with armour or weapons.) Use the pebble with the grave. You
appear in a cave. Go straight and open the chest and you get an amulet. Then go the other way, open the coffin and it gives
you an urn. Now climb the ladder and get out.
5. Keep the urn and amulet on you and go get your armour and weapon, food, rope, stat restore potion,
and the 18 runes (6 water, 6 air, 6 earth) that were mentioned earlier out of the bank. Go back to Almera's house and put
on the amulet you got from the grave.
6. Go get on the raft and you will appear on the island again, go to the end of the island, use the
rope with the rock again and go across. use the rope with the dead tree thats on the edge of the waterfall and this time you
will appear on the waterfall in front of a door(got to have the amulet from the grave to get in), open the door.
7. When you enter the waterfall there will be shadow spiders, fire giants, and mage skeletons. There
are three ways to go (left, straight, or right), you want to go to the right. Search the boxes and crates, one of them will
have a key. Exit the right side and go to the left side. There are fire giants in this room but you can run through them to
a door in the right corner of the room. Use the key on the door to go through. There will be another door that you have to
use the key with, then you should be in the room.
8. This is where you use your runes. There are 6 pillars: Put 1 water on each pillar, then 1 air on
each pillar, then 1 earth on each pillar and then use Glarials Amulet with her statue so the floor will rise. Go up to the
trophy, use the urn with the trophy and you have completed the quest! If you are unsuccessful you must put your armour and
weapon back in the bank and go back to the grave and get the amulet again.