This picture here is the bottom floor of the
Champion's Guild. Here is an explanation on what is in the bottom floor:
To the left of the handsome man, the one
with white hair, is the Guild Master who greets you when you enter the Champion's Guild. You can also talk to him about starting
the Dragon Slayer Quest.
To the left of the Guild Master is a door, which leads to a smaller room that has a range
in it.
To the left and behind the Guild Master are the stairs that will take you to the Upper Level.
The door
at the bottom of the Picture (it is cut off) is where the Chicken Coop is - that is the main reason there is a range. So you
can kill chickens then cook the meat and do whatever you want with the Cooked or Burnt meat.
To the Right of the handsome
man is the door in which you can either Enter or Exit the Champion's Guild.
This is the Upper Level of the Champion's
Guild. Here is an explanation of what is here:
Behind the handsome man is Scavvo, who sells Rune items and a few Dragon
Hide items.
In the back of the Champion's Guild is camera shy Valaine (you can see how she tried to blend in with
the Background). She sells a few different armours and you can sell your items to her.
This is Scavvo's Shop. I'll
list the items he is selling from left to right:
Rune Skirt - 64000gp Rune Legs - 64000gp Rune Mace - 14400gp
Rune Chain - 51000gp Rune Long - 32000gp Rune Sword - 20800gp Dragonhide Chaps - 3900gp Dragon Vambraces
- 2500gp Coif - 200gp
As I did with Scavvo's Shop, I'll list these items from left to right:
Blue Cape
- 41gp Black Large - 1372gp (The price doubles in General stores.) Black Legs - 2496gp Addy Plate - 16640gp
The Runeguard Clan