Enter through the front doors and you'll see Sir Radimus Erkle and the totem pole being displayed in the center.
As you can see there are 2 sets of stairs. We'll go up the east ones first. On the first floor is Fionella,
the runner of the General Store. There are also two ladders on the East and West side of the room.
She sells
the following items for the following prices.
Up the East ladder is a bank with 4 bankers standing there just
waiting for your service. Amazing view down also!
Go up the West ladder, you can get another great view here
also, but better than that you can see Siegfried Erkle and view the items he has for sale.
This is what he
sells and what prices they're available for.
Go back down to the ground floor and go down the other flight
of stairs. This will bring you to the Underground part of the guild. When you first come down you will notice some Giant Bats.
Venture on and you come to an area with heaps of little Pit Scorpians. Watch your step...
on even further and around the fence will bring you to the part every member likes, the Shadow Warriors. I've counted 11 but
there may be more. Pretty insane combat xp if there's only 3-5 people. Ignore the 0 I hit, I'm not as good a fighter as you
guys are.
The Runeguard Clan