Must have completed Jungle Potion and Big Chompy Bird Hunting Quests, Must
be able to defeat a level 111 foe.
The following skills would be an advantage:
Level 8 Herblore
Level 30 Ranged
4 Smithing
Level 20 Strength
Level 30 Fletching
Ring of dueling, Prayer potion, Stat restore potion, Food, Weapon/armour,
and teleport runes. Rogues purse and Snake weed optional if you are making the potion.
Ability to make Brutal Arrows and Cure disease potions, 2k of Ranged, Fletching,
and Herblore exp, and 2000 gp for giving the Black Prism to the wizard or 5000 gp for giving it to Yanni Salika at Shilo Village.
Speak to Grish.
1. Begin by speaking to Grish who can be found south of Castle Wars and west of Gu'Tanoth, the Ogre city west
of Yanille.
2. Grish wants you to figure out why the Zogres have appeared. He will give you three chompy birds and two super
restore potions.
3. Go a bit east and talk to the ogre guard about letting you pass the barricades. You just have
to mention Grish's name and he'll smash them and let you pass.
4. Go past the Zogres and then climb down the stairs,
then head to the north west part of the caves.
5. Search the broken lectern and you'll find a torn page. Search the skeleton and you'll get attacked by a lvl 34
zombie. Kill it to get a backpack. You'll need 3 inventory spaces to open it, and inside is a Knife, a Dragon Head Inn tankard,
and some rotten food.
6. Search the tomb directly west of you, then use your Knife on the tomb, then search it again
to get a Black prism.
Torn page:
Black prism:
7. Go to Yanille then go to the Dragon Head Inn and show the tankard to the Bartender. He tells you it belongs to
a man called Brentle Vahn and that he has been murdered, although he was last seen talking to a wizard.
8. Go to the
Magic Guild and you'll find a bell outside. Ring it and a wizard will appear. Show him the piece of paper and tankard and
he will tell you that there has been a curse and that the paper and Black prism are the cause of it.
9. Next, go north of the Magic Guild to a house. Head upstairs and talk to the man in the bed in the west room. He
will let you search his room where you'll find three books, some Charcoal and some Papyrus. Use the Papyrus on the man and
you'll draw a portrait of him. (Keep drawing until the portrait says realistic when examined.) Take this portrait to the Bartender
and he will identify him as the wizard talking to Brentle Vahn. He will sign it to show it is the wizard that he saw.
10. Take the signed portrait and the rest of the evidence to the wizard at the Magic Guild and he'll give you a potion
to use on Sithik. When you use it on him he won't take it so Use it on the Cup of tea on top of the drawers.
11. Go
back and talk to the wizard and then head back and talk to Sithik who has transformed into an ogre. You can now get some answers
from him. He tells you that you have to make some new arrows and to find two rare herbs which can be found on Karamja. The
first herb is Snake weed and the other is Rogues purse. (See map below for locations.) If you make the potion give it to the
ogre near Grish named Uglag Nar and he will buy it from you for 650gp. You will then gain the ability to trade with him to
buy more Relicym's balms and other stuff. (He won't pay that much again, lol.) To make the potion just use the two herbs with
a Vial of water. It can also be used to cure diseases.
Here are the items you can buy from Grish:
12. Go back to Grish and he will give you a key to the doors that are locked down in the dungeon. He wants you to
fetch an artifact for him.
13. Go down the tomb, head west, and use the key he gave you on the door. Go down the stairs and search the stand.
You'll get attacked by a lvl 111 ogre named Slash Bash; kill him to get the artifact. He has two attacks, a range and a melee,
so use protect from melee as these damage you more. You can use melee to kill him, range him with Brutal arrows, or you could
also use the spell 'Crumble Undead' (Magic Level 39 required).
14. Once you have killed him, grab the artifact and take it back to Grish. He will be very grateful to you.