Deep in the desert stand the ruins of the once-great city of
Uzer, where a lone survivor, an ancient clay golem, forever paces to and fro. It is badly damaged, and its mind cannot rest
until it has completed the task for which it was created.
Level 20 Crafting and Level 25 Thieving
Suitable desert gear - Desert robes, Desert boots, Water skin(s),
Knife (for getting water from cactus if needed), 4 Soft clay, Pestle and morter, Papyrus and Vial (also Hammer and Chisel
if you want gems)
1 Quest Point, 1k Crafting experience and 1k Thieving experience;
if you bring a Hammer and Chisel and use it on the Demons Throne you will receive 6 Gems: 2 Rubies 2 Emeralds and 2 Sapphires
- Head east out of Shantay pass and then walk east-southeast along the east coast until you come
to a bridge. Cross over and walk east until you come across the broken clay Golem. Talk to him and he will tell you he needs
- Use 4 Soft clay on him to repair him and then talk to him again. He thanks you and then tells you
that he must now finish his mission and destroy his enemy - a great demon. He asks you to help him open the portal to this
demon so he may finish him off.
- Talk to him again and he will tell you that you need to arrange the statues downstairs in the correct
order to open the portal.
- Search around the crates just west of the Golem to find a Letter. Read it, it mentions Elissa from
the Digsite.
- Go down the stairs by the Golem, examine the empty alcove and then pick up a Black mushroom. Use
it with your Pestle and morter to get Black ink in your empty Vial. You can put the pestle and morter back in the bank now.
Now go talk to Elissa.
- Elissa can be found at the north end of the Digsite. Talk to her about the letter you found. She
tells you to find some expedition notes in the Digsite Exam center library. Walk south to the Exam Center. Search the bookcase
closest to the corner on the south wall. You will find "Varmen's notes".
- Go to Varrock and talk to the curator about the statuette. Tell him you wish to take it away, but
the curator forbids it. Pick his pockets for a key then head upstairs and use the key on the display case to get the statuette
and then head back to Uzer.
- This time, once you cross the bridge, head directly north until you reach the wall then east until
you see some clay rocks. There you will see a desert phoenix, click it to grab a feather from it and then head southeast to
- Now you must arrange the statuettes into the correct order. Go to the middle of the temple and
use your Statuette with the empty alcove.
- Turn the statuettes so that the two on the west wall are to the left and the two on the east are
to the right. The door will grind open.
- Enter the door and examine the skeleton to the east to see that that demon is dead.
If you want the gems, go to the north end of the room and use your Hammer or Chisel on the Demon Throne.
- Head back up and grab the Strange implement that's in the northwest corner room of the temple.
Then go to the Golem.
- The Golem is programmed to destroy the demon and will not accept that the task is done. Now use
the Phoenix feather with the ink, then use the resultant quill pen with the Papyrus to create a new Golem program.
- Use the Strange implement with the Golem to open his skull and quickly insert the new Golem program
(Use it with him) before it closes shut. The Golem will accept the new program and ...