The mountain Dwarves home would be an ideal way to get across White Wolf mountain safely. However the Dwarves
aren't too fond of strangers. They will let you through if you can bring them a trophy. The trophy is the prize for the annual
Hemenster fishing competition
5-10 coins, garlic (you can find one in Draynor Village on the second story of a house), a regular fishing rod (can be bought
from any fishing shop) and at least lvl 10 fishing, a spade
West of White Wolf Mountain, East of White Wolf Mountain, talk to the dwarf by the shack next to the mountain.
1 quest
point, 3225 fishing experience, access to the underground home of the Mountain Dwarves
- Talk to the Dwarf and tell him you want to use the secret way to across
the White Wolf Mountain and that you want to become his friend, he will ask you to win a trophy at the Hemenster Fishing Competition.
He will give you a Competition Pass.
- Before going to Hemenster, go to north of the Hemenster to McGrubor’s
woods. Go to north side of the woods and you will find a lose fence, push it and then once inside, go to the west side. Find
a red vine and use the "Check Vine" option. You should get a red worm. Get 2-3 worms and then get out of there.
- Go back to Hemenster and try to enter the fishing area. A man will say
that you will need the Competition Pass, show him your pass and he will let you in.
- Talk to A Sinister Stranger, he will say that he doesn't like sun. Tell
him that he is a vampie, he will say something nonsense that he is not a vampie, but trust me, he really is.
- Talk to Bonzo and tell him you want to start the competition, pay 5 gp
and he will tell you that your fishing spot is beside the willow tree.
- Place a garlic in the pipes and the vampie will say that there is a bad
smell. Bonzo will say that your fishing spot is beside the pipes. Fish there and you should get a carp. Talk to Bonzo and
you will win the competition.
- Return to the dwarf and he will reward you.