West Ardougne southeast of plague gate
1 Quest Point, 2k gp, a real cool amulet if you
side with Clivet, and 1k thieving exp.
1. First, go to the Carnillean Mansion and talk to Ceril near or in the first floor of it.
2. Then, go south and cross a bridge. Go around the building and enter the cave marked by the red !. Talk to Clivet and
then choose whom to join up with. For the more interesting plot, join Clivet, or go the easy route and join Ceril.
1. Listen to what Clivet says
and agree to help him. Then, Clivet will give you poison and tell you to kill a member of the Carnillean family.
2. Go into Carnillean mansion and take the ladder to the back of the mansion downwards into the basement and use your poison
on the stove.
3. Climb back up and take the stairway up and talk to Philipe to find that you have killed their dog.
4. Return to Clivet and tell him the good news. He will give you an ammy that looks somewhat like a golden symbol of Zamorak.
Wield it, and exit the cave.
5. Next turn all the sewer valves but the one closest to the dungeon going west, right. And turn the one closest to the
dungeon, left. The location of each valve is on the bottom of this guide.
6. Return to the cave and take the raft near Clivet. Follow the path to Alamone. Talk to him and he will tell you to find
a magical scroll in the Carnillean mansion. Then, leave via the raft and climb out of the cave.
7. Return to the Carnillean mansion with your symbol still equipped. Talk to the butler on the first floor. Then climb
down the ladder and search both the crates for a key. Afterwards go up the ladder and to another flight of steps. Talk to
the butler once more and then knock on the wall he is standing by. Then go up the ladder and use your key with the chest and
search the chest. Leave the mansion.
8. Go back into the cave and DO NOT TAMPER WITH THE SEWER VALVES. Take the raft back to Alamone with the scroll and talk
to him. He will start a ritual and summon Hazeel (level 296) back from the dead. Hazeel will thank you and reward you. Quest
1. Talk to Clivet but do not agree
to anything he says.
2. Return to Ceril and talk to him.
3. Next turn all the sewer valves but the one closest to the cave going west, right. and turn the one closest to the cave
left. The location of each valve is on the bottom of this guide.
4. Enter the cave and take the raft to Alamone. Talk to him and find out the butler is his spy. He should then attack you.
If he doesn't, try again. He is less only level 13, so if you should be able to kill him fairly easily. He will drop the Carnillean
armor. Leave the island via the raft and exit the cave. (well if you want to get 1 of ceril's sheild for yourself. When you
killed alamone. take the seward ride back out. Then take it back in. drop ur armour that you already have. Wait for alamone
to come back then fite him again. He'll drop another one. Yes he could drop as much as he want. While taking it back to ceril
put the extra armour you got into the bank, and the armour other armour you take back to him.)
5. Talk to Ceril and give him the armor. Then, tell him about his butler. Ceril won't believe you so go to the second floor
and search the butler's cupboard for some poison. Return to Ceril and receive your reward. Quest completed.
1st Valve: Behind
Ceril's house, Turn right
2nd Valve: Across the bridge, Turn right
3rd Valve: North of cave entrance, Turn left
4th Valve: Outside of the Zoo gate, Turn right
5th Valve: South East of last location off the road , Turn right