Brother Omad's friend's child
has had their blanket stolen. Find it and then help Omad get drinks from Brother Cedric in time to get ready for a party
A hatchet or
just have someone cut 1 pile of logs for you. Maybe a weapon to kill some theives (level 14 and a 26) You also need a jug.
The monastary south of
ardougne zoo.
1 quest point, 2000 woodcutting xp
and 8 law runes
- Talk to Omad and learn of his sleepless nights because of the crying child. Learn that the theives
(lvl 14s and a 26) that stole the blanket are hiding in a secret cave.
- Go north west to a ring of stones. (It's just east of the gnome battlefied) A ladder will appear,
go down and into the den
- Take the first turn and go in. Fight the thieves if necessary to the table and get the blanket.
Return to Brother Omad
- Talk to him twice to learn about Brother Cedric not returning with the wine for the child's party.
Omad says that Cedric probably got drunk and lost in the forest. (Poor guy)
- Go just north to find Cedric, he needs a drink of water so use your jug and return and use it with
a sink at one of the khazard guard houses that is south of the monastary. Talk to him again to use the jug on Cedric.
- He'll ask you to get wood to fix his broken cart, which hopefully you already have. Give him the
wood and return to Omad for the last time
- Talk to him and he'll give you the runes and then you party. Unfourtanetly you can burst the party
ballons, but nothing comes out of them. but those monks really know how to get down, party, and boogie like there's no tomorrow