Items Needed: Iron chain Mail, Bronze Medium Helmet, and one Cabbage (grab Cabbage from Field near the Monastery.)
Requirements: Must be able to kill Level 31 Black Knights.
Start: Head to Falador Castle on the Second Floor & talk with Sir Amik
Once finished speaking with Sir Amik Varze..head to the cabbage Field near the Monastery if needed & pick
up a Cabbage.
- After you've grabbed your Cabbage..head West of the Monastery, to the Black Knight's Fortress.
- While wearing your Iron Chain Mail & Bronze Medium Helmet enter the Fortress through the Southwest Door.
- Push the Wall North of you as soon as you walk inside.
- Go up both Ladders, then just South a bit of you go down that Ladder, proceed East two Rooms and climb up
another Ladder. Then climb down the Ladder East of you (near the two Cannons at the top). Open the Sturdy Door and you'll
be attacked by Black Knights. Kill them or run & head down the only Ladder in the Room, follow the narrow Path Southeast
until you find the Grill.
- Go back down to the Wall where you first entered the Building and enter the East Door. A Guard will stop
you, tell him you don't care you're going in anyway. Go up the Ladder to the North and follow the Path Southeast, push the
Wall and enter the Room.
- Use the Cabbage on the Hole and you will sabotage their Plan.
- Head back to the White Knight Castle in Falador and speak to Sir Amik Varze to retrieve your Reward.
Reward: 2,500 Gold Coins.