Start: Talk to Veronica near the front gate of Draynor Manor. Go get the items and take them to Professor
Go to the farthest eastern room and pick up the shovel, then use shovel on composite heap, use the key on
the locked closet door and get the rubber tube.
Now, go to the pantry (small room next to the kitchen) and get the poison, then head upstairs and find the
fish food. Now use the poison with the fish food, and head outside and find the fountain, use the poisoned fish food on the
fountain then search the fountain, you'll find the pressure gauge.
The lever combination to get the oil can is:
Pull levers A and B.
Pull lever D.
Pull levers
A and B again.
Pull levers F and E.
Pull lever C.
Pull lever E.
Open the door and grab the oil can.
Since there's only up to 4 doors top, I didn't put which doors you had to go through, besides, that would
spoil the fun.
Now, head upstairs back to the scientist and give him the stuff.
Reward: 300 gold and 4 quest points