Dr Fenkenstrain,
master and sole occupant of the castle to the northeast of Canifis, needs a new servant to go on a dark errand for him. Do
you have the stomach to help Fenkenstrain complete his twisted purpose?
Read the Sign Post
in the middle of Canifis
Long (lots
of running)
Must have completed
Priest in Peril and Restless Ghost quest
Level 25 Thieving,
Level 20 Crafting, Must be able to defeat a level 51 foe
Lots of Energy
Pots, Armor, Weapon, and Food to protect against Vampires and Leeches in the woods, Teleport Runes
Spade, 5 thread,
1 needle, 50 gp, 1 Silver bar, 3 Bronze wire, hammer, Ghostspeak amulet (Father Urhney in Lumbridge Swamp can give you another
if you lost it) (Ensure you have all these items within your bank when entering Canifis, to minimize bank trips), 3 Canes
(obtain during quest)
1. Start by reading the sign post in the middle of Canifis.
2. Go northeast into the castle and talk to Fenkenstrain. Answer the questions and say you are
brain dead and are good at grave digging.
Find him in his manor that looks like this:
This is Fenkenstrain.
3. Head into the southwest tower and wind the clock up, to find that a letter falls out. Read
the letter to learn the truth about what has really been going on in this castle.
4. Wearing your Ghostspeak amulet, talk to the Gardener located outside the exit north of Dr
Fenkenstrain. Ask him where his head is and he will go with you, telling you which direction to turn to get there. Start by
exiting the castle area and then going South East until you see Vampires and Leechs. Look on your minimap in the top right
hand cornor of your game and look for little tiny gray crosses, at each of these crosses there is a Grave, get a decapitated
head from the one of them. Just keep digging at all the graves until you get a head.
The Head
5. Go back to the house and search the bookcases upstairs in the northwest and northeast rooms
near the staircases. [At the northwest bookcase choose the book "The Joy of Gravedigging"; at the northeast bookcase choose
"Handy Maggot Avoidance Techniques". This bookcase also includes "Chimney Sweeping on a Budget".] Get the two triangular amulets
(Marble and Obsidian) and use them on each other. You will get a star. Exit the castle and go directly east on a path to the
memorials on the grounds of the castle. Use the star with the unmovable grave to the far east.
6. Push the memorial. You will now be in a cavern. Kill a level 51 experiment creature to get
a cavern key.
Level 51 Experiment
Cavern Key
7. Take the northwest (middle) passage (automatically uses cavern key with gate). Go up the
stairs and you will now be on the island on the other side of the broken bridge. Dig up all three graves to get a torso, arms,
and legs.
Body Parts:
8. Go back to Canifis and buy pickled brain from the pub. Do this by talking to Roavar and say
you want something to eat. He will give you the pickled brain for 50 gp; use this with the head. You can bank your spade.
Get your Needle, 5 Thread, 3 Bronze wire and your Ghostspeak amulet (optional: bring runes or item to teleport to a furnace,
and your Silver bar).
9. Go back and give all the parts to Fenkenstrain. He will tell you to get a needle and some
10. Give him the needle and thread and he will then ask you to fix the conductor. To do this
you will need a conductor mould, a silver bar, and a garden brush.
11. To get the garden brush equip your Amulet of ghostspeak and talk to the Gardener (he is
located to the north of Dr Fenkenstrain). Ask him for the shed key and then search the cupboard in the shed.
Shed Key:
Garden Brush:
12. To get the conductor mould, pick up 3 canes from the pile beside the shed. Next use the
garden brush with the canes and you will get an extended brush (the Bronze wire is automatically used to hold them together).
Go back into the castle and head upstairs. Go to the west side of the castle and use the extended brush on the fireplace and
the conductor mould will fall out.
Extended Brush:
13. You will need to go to a furnace and use the silver bar with the mould. After you have the
new conductor use the new one with the old one on the third floor, in the southern circular room.
Lightning Conductor:
14. Go back to Fenkenstrain and he will give you the key to the tower and tell you that the
monster has turned against him. He orders you to kill it.
Tower Key:
15. Go upstairs to the north-center room, then go upstairs to the Monster and have a long talk
with him, and you will find out he used to own the castle and Fenkenstrain was the doctor. He then tells you to stop the doctor's
16. Pickpocket Fenkenstrain to get Ring of Charos and it says quest completed.
17. With the ring you can now access the new Agility arena, south of the manor.
Skull Ball
Seems like the fastest way for xp for lower levels.
1000 Thieving xp,
2 quest points, Ring of Charos (Allows you to access new Agility dungeon south of manor)