The Runeguard clan

Rune Mysteries
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Reward: Ability to Craft Runes.

  1. Talk to the Duke in Lumbridge Castle. Ask him if he has a Quest for you and he will give you an Talisman to take to the Great Wizard in the Wizard Tower.
  2. Talk to Sedridor in the Basement of the Wizards Tower. He has a bad attitude but he is the Great Wizard. Give him the Talisman and he will ask you to take a Package to Aubrey in Varrock.
  3. Talk to Aubrey (the Rune Seller in Varrock), He will ask you to take some Notes back to the Wizard.
  4. Talk to the Wizard, he will give you back your Talisman and give you a very long speech on the significance of this.

Quest Complete!

The Runeguard Clan