The Runeguard clan

Sheep Shearer
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Items Needed: sheers.

Northeast lumbridge (behind sheep pen)talk to Fred the Farmer. He'll tell you to bring him 20 balls of wool.

  1. Once at Freds house head east climb the stile on the north side of sheep pen (its a shortcut into the pen) & start sheering sheep.

  2. When your done sheering sheep & have 20 pieces of wool walk south to lumbridge castle. Go in & to the Southwest end of it walk up one flight of stairs, on the 2nd lvl first room to the south you'll find a spinning wheel. Use your wool on it & make them into balls of yarn.

  3. Return the 20 balls of yarn back to fred & retrieve your reward.

Reward: 150 crafting exp, & 60 gold coins.

The Runeguard Clan